Time registration

TIMEOUT Time registration



Time registration

Get an overview of the consumption of hours on projects, jobs, or cases, and thus get control over how many hours need to be invoiced or compensated.



Easy and simple registration of vacation and absence on the correct code, as well as an overview of various balances.  



If a task takes longer than expected, or if more time has been spent on a project than budgeted. 

Overview of the employees

Gain an overview in relation to both the expected time and the actual time spent, more on projects, jobs, or cases, and thus get control over how many hours need to be invoiced or compensated.


Insight into the progress of projects, jobs, or cases - both in terms of time and finances. 

TimeOut Mobile

With us, it is important that you easily and simply can register your hours. Everything that TimeOut has to offer can also be done on the mobile.

With our mobile solution, you can access TimeOut even when you're on the move.

TimeOut Simple.

In its simple version, TimeOut sends an email to all (selected) employees. Employees will receive a visual presentation of their time registration along with two buttons:

1; An Approve button that is simply clicked when accepting the content,

2; An Edit button, which sends the employee directly to TimeOut (without logging in), to a page where the week's registrations are corrected and approved immediately. For example, in case of absence, the automatic registration is deleted. For more or fewer hours, it is easily corrected by entering a different number of hours for the day.

TimeOut Simple automatically perform the following tasks, with minimal involvement of the employee: 

  • For all employees, their standard working hours are pre-filled. 
  • Breaks are automatically inserted but are not counted towards standard working hours. This occurs when working more than 6 hours per day. 
  • A reminder service is established for employees who have not approved their week or need to do so within a certain time frame. The rule is finally aligned during the implementation of the service. 
  • A report, which can be used as documentation, is available to selected users. The report shows one or more employees over a period (e.g., 4 months) and their time usage. A calculated total is displayed, and if the average weekly working time exceeds 48 hours, it is marked in red.


  • En side med alle registreringer, enten som favoritliste eller ad-hoc.
  • information om evt. budget, forbrug og resttid på specifikke opgaver.
  • Godkendelses proces til validering af data til brug for fakturering.
  • Godkendelses proces til validering af data til brug for lønafregning.
  • Notifikationer om registrering ferie og fravær.
  • Mulighed for registrering af maskintimer.
  • Hvis budget på en opgave, kan der ikke registreres over dette.
  • Sekretær funktion, dvs. registrering på vegne af en medarbejder.
  • Overblik over flexsaldo.
  • Registrering samt overblik over diverse saldi på telefonen.
  • Multiregistrering fx kan tre ugers ferie registreres på én gang.