Time registration in 2024
Why new regulations?
Updated July 16, 2024
It all stems from Spanish trade unions taking Deutsche Bank to court in 2019 for violating the rules on maximum weekly working hours. Therefore, the EU wants to ensure that member states comply with the rules on weekly working hours, rest periods, and breaks.
Therefore, requirements for time registration are now being introduced - to protect employees' rights. The background for this legislative work is that it should be possible to follow up on the statutory rest period requirements, also known as the 11-hour rule, and the maximum weekly working time of 48 hours on average, based on the last 4 months of work.
The EU directive on working hours has existed for a long time, but it is only now, based on the EU ruling, that Denmark chooses to implement the requirement for time registration, making it mandatory for companies to ensure that their employees record their hours.
This law has now been passed in the Danish Parliament. Currently, the law will come into force from July 1, 2024
According to the law, it states, among other things,
That companies must introduce an "objective, reliable, and accessible working time registration system."
The system must ensure compliance with the 48-hour rule, the 11-hour rule, and break rules.
1. "The employee can access their own information in the time registration system."
2. The information must be kept for 5 years after the expiration of the period that forms the basis for the calculation.
3. Employees who have a high degree of self-organization of their work and working hours may be exempted – however, this must be stated in the employment contract.
4. The information must be made available to public authorities such as the Labor Inspectorate.
5. 11-hour rule. This rule, which requires that employees have at least 11 hours of continuous rest within a 24-hour period, has always been part of labor environment legislation but has now received renewed attention.
What can Outzource offer?
In connection with the new Working Time Registration Act, Outzource has the opportunity to offer a simplified solution that meets the requirements of the law.
TimeOut already offers options for time registration. If there are more complex requirements for time registration, TimeOut is an extremely advanced time registration system that can handle requirements for complex agreements/rules. TimeOut also manages project and resource management, and more.
To cover the basic requirements for electronic time registration, we have developed this solution, which aims to comply with the law while ensuring that employees have to do as little as possible.
Handling of agreements regarding deviations.
The labor market parties can agree on other limits - for example, standby duty for employees with critical societal functions - as long as the effective working time is not increased.
It requires the employee's consent to deviate. The consent must be kept and can be revoked at any time. The employer must maintain a list of all consents, which must be made available to public authorities.
TimeOut Simple.
In its simple version, TimeOut sends an email to all (selected) employees. Employees will receive a visual presentation of their data (time registration) along with two buttons:
1; An Approve button that is simply clicked when accepting the content,
2; An Edit button, which sends the employee directly to TimeOut (without logging in), to a page where the week's registrations are corrected and approved immediately.
For example, in case of absence, the automatic registration is deleted. For more or fewer hours, it is easily corrected by entering a different number of hours for the day, or entering your Check in/Check out.
TimeOut Simple automatically perform the following tasks, with minimal involvement of the employee:
- For all employees, their standard working hours are pre-filled.
- Breaks are automatically inserted but are not counted towards standard working hours. This occurs when working more than 6 hours per day.
- A reminder service is established for employees who have not approved their week or need to do so within a certain time frame. The rule is finally aligned during the implementation of the service.
- A report, which can be used as documentation, is available to selected users. The report shows one or more employees over a period (e.g., 4 months) and their time usage. A calculated total is displayed, and if the average weekly working time exceeds 48 hours, it is marked in red. Similarly, a report is provided indicating whether the 11-hour rest period has been observed or not.
Get started quickly at a good price..
- The solution is operational during a working day after we have received the data.
- The first three months are free.
- The price thereafter is 10 DKK per user per month – minimum 1,000 DKK per year.
Contact us for more information or to get started with TimeOut: salg@outzource.dk or +45 25 36 55 00.